Rental Property Management Software

Just So Software Privacy Policy

We are intense privacy advocates at Just So Software.

Any information we collect about you will not be sold, or traded, or given away to anyone for any reason at any time. We may use the information you provide us to contact you and ask for your opinion of our software at a later time. If you become a customer, we will use your information to notify you of updates. Frequently we email updates to our clients who have provide us with an email address.

We do not set web bugs. We only set cookies on the Order page in order to keep track of the shopping cart. We won't track you around the web. All sensitive information is kept offline and/or behind hardware firewalls.

If you browse our site with Internet Explorer, we will scan your machine for Ezula Toptext Thiefware and will offer you a cookie to let us know we have already checked you. We also will disable Ezula thiefware if we detect it. You don't have to take the cookie, but if you don't let us scan for Ezula thiefware we won't let you browse our site. If you are afflicted with Ezula thiefware, you probably don't realize it anyway and you certainly don't want it. Since Ezula thiefware modifies the pages we serve you in order to lure you away from our site, we insist that it be deactivated while you visit our site.

Our software, by its nature, collects extensive and sensitive information about your business. It does not and never will transmit any portion of that information by any means without your explicit permission.

Copyright 2025 by Just So Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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