Rental Property Management Software

Make your program exactly what YOU want, with a personality module

The Property Manager can be customized for your needs via our user extension interface. This interface makes it possible to add custom code, in a fashion that is totally compatible with future upgrades, that changes the appearance and function of The Property Manager to tailor it for a specific application. This capability is unique to The Property Manager, and provides a literally unprecedented ability to tailor and customize our product, while retaining all the advantages of an off-the-shelf product.

Homeowner Associations, Property Owner Associations, and Hotel/Motel management, among others, may wish to exploit this flexibility. The default organization of this product is oriented around buildings, with their owners, then multiple units per building, then multiple tenants per unit. This organization is implemented in a fashion that is sufficiently flexible that it can be used for any property management task.

But there are many specialized areas of property management, such as property owner associations, homeowner associations, and hotel/motel management that find this organization to be a bit cumbersome for their specific application. Consequently, we are introducing a series of personality modules that exploit the inherent flexibility of The Property Manager to tailor its appearance and functioning for these specific industries.

The HOA/POA module, for instance, replaces the Building/Unit/Tenant hierarchy with a Lot/Owner hierarchy, and it does so in a fashion that retains full compatibility with The Property Manager file structure, and full compatibility with all future updates of The Property Manager.

Personality modules can quickly be built for any specialized application. A The Property Manager personality module brings you exactly what you want; all the advantages of a customized application, without the principal disadvantage (difficult to support). If you have a special requirement please contact us

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