The Personal Edition Release 6
provides essential property management software
capability to organize the small landlord and those just starting out.
-Time saving, very easy setup
-Track tenants
-Track income and expenses
-Track buildings and units
-Track Vendors
-minimal configuration
-simple accounting, preconfigured to match Schedule E
-essential reporting capability
-fully upgradeable
available as an online download!
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The Standard Edition Release 6
provides enhanced management capability for
individual owners.
-Easy Cash Flow Management accounting.
-Automated workorders, including recurring workorders
-automated income/expense management
-automatic rent collection
-complete security system
-expandable with optional modules (coming soon)
-networkable, including with PPCS
-fully upgradeable
available as an online download!
The Corporate Edition Release 5
For 32 bit Windows only. Organizes, manages, and does accounting for
individual owners and mid-sized property management companies,
including operators of commercial properties with triple-net and
percent-of-retail leases.
-comprehensive accounting using double entry bookkeeping
-comprehensive bank account management
-CAM support, including base cost and stoploss support.
-sales tax/VAT tax support
-rent escalators can be based on CPI or other index
-extended reporting capability
-fully networkable, including PPCS
-extendable with optional modules (budgeting, shown on this
form, is optional)
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 | The Enterprise Edition Release 5
For 32 bit Windows only. Formidable and extensive property management
software that will organize and integrate the largest organizations.
-Purchase Orders
-tenant screening (contact management)
-formidable and groundbreaking peer to peer client-server
-developer documentation available
The Web Component A modern PHP website template for property managers. -integrates with The Property Manager. -or operates standalone -public area for marketing -private area for residents -enable your residents to request maintenance, or pay rent, on the web -customizable -easy setup and configuration
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