Rental Property Management Software

The Property Manager is a superior property management software package. It is a flexible, easy to use package that provides comprehensive support for your property management business. Training of employees for day to day use of the package takes very little time, but the power "under the hood" and the rational upgrade path from the smallest to the largest versions mean you will never outgrow this product.

The Property Manager Personal Edition provides all these features, and more:

aAn automated reminder facility. Be reminded of rents due, rents late, workorders open, leases expiring, actionable eviction notices, and more...

aComplete Tenant Tracking...rents paid, transactions with tenants, where they live, when they moved in, where they work, who lives there...all the things you need and expect.

aComplete Building and Unit tracking...who is the manager, who is the towing company, who is the owner, a feature table for a picture of the building...all the standard stuff

aComplete expense tracking...fully cross linked to units, buildings, workorders, vendors...broken down by major purpose and category within purpose...fully user configurable...everything you expect and need - and MORE...using the Cash Flow Management system.

aExcellent monthly summary reports. At-a-glance know occupancy, move ins, move outs, income and expenses. Do it on a per building basis, or by owner, or in aggregate.

aAutomatically generate eviction notices, trash warnings, late rent warnings, and others...using standard wordprocessors.

aOur smart forms change their appearance to match what you are doing. The program adapts to you...not you to the program

In addition to the features of the Personal Edition, The Property Manager Standard Edition provides all these features, and more:

aA fully integrated workorder system...when did they call, who did the work, when did they do it...what unit...everything you need. Also includes recurring workorders; issue workorders automatically to cover recurring work.

aA greatly extended system for managing communications with tenants. You can define any form you wish to use, and the system will use it automatically.

aTotal Vendor tracking. Add your most commonly used vendors to the Cash Out form so that you can identify them with one click.

aExcellent monthly summary reports. At-a-glance know occupancy, move ins, move outs, income and expenses. Do it on a per building basis, or by owner, or in aggregate.

aAutomatically generate rental invoices to send tenants before the rent is due. When they pay you, automatically print a receipt.

aComplete export capability. Export any of the data from The Property set the data to export, and the format, and the destination...CSF, XLS, DB...others!

aScreen applicants, maintain applicant contact information, and generate leases and welcome letters for accepted applicants.

aArbitrary rental periods and due dates. Rent due every 47 days, starting on the 15th of this month? No problem. Set it on a per-tenant basis.

aAutomated late fee calculations and updates. Rent goes up $25 if not paid by the first? And additionally at 1% per day to a maximum of $5.00 per day retroactive to the first if not paid by the fifth? No problem. Have it your way. Use global defaults or set on a per-tenant basis.

aComprehensive three level security lets you control access that your employees have to any portion of the system...or you can turn it off. In the Corporate Edition, you may permit or deny access to any bank account on a per account, per employee basis.

The Property Manager version 5 Corporate Edition provides all the features of The Property Manager Standard Edition plus these additional features:

aCollect your rent automatically over the internet using the tenant's credit card. Fully automated; The Property Manager will handle all the details and all the accounting on the date due, with no action necessary by you beyond the initial setup.

aManage up to 32,768 checking, savings, revolving charge, vendor charge, or internal accounts...fully integrated...flexible.

aPrepare your deposit tickets for you.

aPrepare your budget for one property or all properties using our optional Budget module. Then, later, compare your budgeted numbers with your actual expenses - all handled automatically.

aCommercial property support, including CAM support; automatically roll up and charge tenants for their share of common expense items. The CAM system handles Stoploss computations transparently. You enter the amount per square foot per rental period, and the program does the rest.

aSupport for sales tax and Value Added Tax. Automatically computed for you.

aSupport for percentage of retail sales computations.

aComplete double entry bookkeeping system...with a nice General Ledger report...organize and report on your system by building, or by owner, or in choose how you want it. You can enable or disable the double entry system at will...when disabled the system reverts automatically to Cash Flow Management.

aMaintain and track depreciation for your buildings or purchases, and amortization for your mortgages, with our optional Depreciation and Amortization module. This adds below-the-line capability to the General Ledger

aGenerate purchase orders with our optional module. Fully integrated with the workorder system and the expense system...complete tracking of order status with automated payment.

aVersatile rent escalator, with capability to raise rents at intervals that you define, based on a percentage, or an absolute value, or computed per unit area, or indexed to the CPI (or other index). Works with any triple-net lease.

The Property Manager Enterprise Edition brings formidable capability to the largest organization.

In addition to all the features of The Property Manager Corporate Edition, The Property Manager Enterprise Edition provides you with all options of the Corporate Edition, along with our formidable peer-to-peer client-server networking capability, giving you a remote management capability that none of our competitors can match.

The Enterprise Edition comes standard with the depreciation/amortization module, the budgeting module, and the purchase order module.

Our peer-to-peer client-server networking facility enables all your remote offices to work as if their data was local rather than served across the internet, AND in the event of a network failure, they can keep working - unlike ANY web-based solution. Further, we will ship the package preconfigured to match your requirements, and one year of tech support is included in the price.

This is the ideal solution for the large property management environment with multiple remote offices, where the alternative is to develop a native application from scratch

System Requirements

To run Release 5, you should have a Pentium class computer or later running Windows 95/98/ME, Windows NT4 SP3 or later, 32 bit Windows 2000, 32 bit Windows XP, or 32 bit Windows 7. To run Release 6, you should have a 32 bit or 64 bit computer capable of running Windows 2000, XP, Windows 7, or Windows 8. Release 6 is not supported on Windows 95, 98, ME, or NT. We do not support screen resolutions below 800x600, and we recommend 1024x768 or larger.

- Personal Edition
- Standard Edition
- Corporate Edition
in a desktop environment:

Processor minimum 200 MHz Pentium (1 GHz Pentium III or Athlon or later recommended)
Memory 32 Meg minimum, 256 Meg recommended.
Hard Drive 40 Megs free at a minimum. We always recommend bigger and faster hard drives.
Any Video (800x600 or greater with 1024x768 or greater strongly recommended), Any Sound.

- Standard Edition
- Corporate Edition
to serve in a LAN environment using NetBIOS:

Processor minimum 1 GHz Pentium III or Athlon
Memory 128 Meg minimum, 256 Meg recommended.
Network 100 Mbit/sec ethernet LAN or greater is recommended.
Hard Drive 40 Megs free at a minimum. We always recommend bigger and faster hard drives.
Any Video (800x600 or greater with 1024x768 or greater strongly recommended), Any Sound.

- Corporate Edition
- Enterprise Edition
to serve files in a PPCS environment:

Processor minimum 2 GHz 32 bit Pentium IV or Athlon
Memory 256 Meg minimum, 512 Meg recommended.
Network 100 Mbit/sec ethernet LAN or greater is recommended. High speed internet connection required.
OS Windows 7 Professional, Windows XP Professional or Windows 2000 Professional STRONGLY recommended
Hard Drive Server hard drives (SCSI RAID) strongly recommended.
Any Video (800x600 or greater with 1024x768 or greater strongly recommended), Any Sound.

Copyright 2025 by Just So Software, Inc. All rights reserved.

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