Rental Property Management Software


They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

We have noted that one of our competitors in the small package marketplace has released a new version, and that version implements a lot of the features that have been available in The Property Manager for years. In fact, as we read through their feature list, it sure looks like they've paid a lot of attention to what we have done.

They've even added a database. Microsoft SQL server. Very cool. So for those of you who are considering their product, we'd like to help you out.

Visit here to learn about how to secure your SQL server so that it won't get hacked. They also tell you about some of the latest and greatest SQL server bugs.

Here is where Microsoft itself tells you how to protect yourself against the dreaded SQL Injection attack

Here is yet another very nice security site to help you with the job of securing your SQL Server installation. We recommend you study it closely. Learn all of this so you won't get hacked.

In fact, here is a book you might want to buy to learn to secure your SQL Server.

Of course, you could just use The Property Manager. Mature, robust, and very secure. But, not nearly as much fun just works. It is always more fun to tweak, and fiddle, and fix software, right? So if you like to tweak and fiddle and fix, go with SQL Server.

(pssst...don't tell anyone, but we're working on a major new version too. This one will raise the bar again, and will be multi-platform. Macs and Linux and Solaris and AIX and...and...and it STILL won't use Microsoft SQL Server! Here is our new platform, and we'll provide an upgrade path. too.)

In all seriousness, you shouldn't consider purchasing a property management package just because it uses SQL server; that could prove to be an expensive mistake. To find out why, read our networking whitepaper.

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