Rental Property Management Software

Tell me about sump pumps

I have been told that I should install a sump pump in my basement to help control my water problem. So I have a few questions about these pumps. 1) I've seen pumps advertised that require only a 10" sump hole. Any comments on whether or not these pumps work?


2) do the pumps typically come with a liner?


4) Should I put it on a dedicated breaker?


4) any other general advice that you've learned from doing this?

I have about a dozen sump pumps. Rule number One: Keep a spare on the shelf.

Sump pumps only fail when all of the following conditions are satisfied;

(1) it is raining six inches of rain in 45 minutes outside;
(2) it is 2 AM;
(3) it is a major holiday weekend and the only store that will be open that sells sump pumps won't open for at least 12 hours and is 50 miles away. By then, it will be too late for your priceless comic book collection.

I one time had a sump pump fail in my own basement under conditions similar to these. Lacking a choice, and lacking a spare, I had to get my tractor out, disassemble my agri sprayer to get the roller pump, mount the pump on the tractor's PTO (which is where it normally is mounted anyway), park the tractor by the basement window, unroll a 20 foot coil of expensive (and clean) copper refrigeration tubing, drop it into the sump which was below the window, couple it via rubber tubing to the roller pump on the three point hitch, and use my tractor to pump out my basement through a 7/8" copper line.

Of course, I was doing this at 2 AM in a major downpour. Loads of fun. Recommended for everyone.

Since then, I always have a spare on the shelf.

Now, we must not forget that sump pumps run on electricity and, even if the pump is good, it won't work if there is no electricity. Further, one of the most common times for electricity to fail is during a severe storm - you know, the time when the pump is most needed? So it might be a good idea for you to invest in a battery backup for the sump pump too.

About the Author: Jim Locker is a technical guy who has done a lot of real estate investing and landlording. The experiences he writes about and advice he gives are either first hand, or in answer to specific questions posed by others. He is commonly known as jiml8 around the internet.


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